Two Ways Your Suspension is Affected When You Lift Your Truck

It’s More Than a Cosmetic Upgrade

If you have a diesel truck, it’s almost a rite of passage to have it lifted. Cool looks aside, your upgraded vehicle will also have greater clearance, increased visibility, and an improved off-roading experience — and that’s just a few of the benefits! But when you alter your suspension system, you’re also affecting how your vehicle operates, which can have profound effects on your driving experience. At Powerflo Diesel in McKinney, Texas, our trained technicians work with all types of diesel trucks, so we know how a lift can affect your suspension.

How A Lift Upgrade Affects Your Suspension System

While lifting your truck comes with several benefits, it also comes with a few major drawbacks, such as reduced fuel efficiency, inconvenience from the height, and potentially voiding your warranty. But this also affects your suspension system, and that means there are a couple of changes.

Reduced Stability

When you raise your truck, you also raise the center of gravity, which means your vehicle will be less stable when cornering. If you drive at high speeds or have to make any emergency maneuvers, you could potentially flip your truck. Larger tires might increase stability, but the handling will never be the same. To accommodate, you’ll have to drive slower and more carefully than if you were closer to the ground.

Increased Stress.

A lifted vehicle puts a lot of extra stress on its suspension system, and this stress can cause shock absorbers, wheel bearings, and other parts to fail more frequently. That’s why if you lift your diesel truck, you’ll also have to commit to increased maintenance. Upgrades and other modifications can help withstand the stress, so consider these additional investments!

Diesel Professionals in McKinney, Texas

When you lift your truck, you’re giving your vehicle a few enhancements, but you’re also making changes to the way its suspension operates. Additional modifications can help you offset these changes, but you’ll still have to alter your driving habits, and you’ll still experience premature wear. When you eventually need suspension repair and maintenance services, you’ll want to leave it with our ASE-certified technicians. At Powerflo Diesel, we work with all types of diesel trucks, so if your suspension needs to be serviced in the McKinney, Texas area, give us a call!

Written by Powerflo Diesel